Despite good intentions there is always a pile of newspapers cluttering up my counter, ready to go in the recycling bin.
Despite good intentions there is a growing pile of laundry to be washed every day.
Despite good intentions my son throws his clothes on the floor everyday...perhaps he will grow out of that by the time he turns nine, I can only hope.
Despite good intentions I still had to throw away a bag of lettuce leaves when I cleaned out my fridge this weekend.
Despite good intentions I still have not read past chapter one of Anna Karenina, I can only hope I get through it before the movie is released in Canada.
Despite all this, failings though they might be...the journey to a more intentional minimalistic life is on going. I didn't say it would happen over night.
Just like my journey to health and a balanced way of eating didn't happen overnight, so the journey to live intentionally with less continues. When you live with a vibrant and active family, it has to be a team effort and everyone has to be on the same page.
With good intentions my son emptied the recycling bin under the sink this weekend
With good intentions my daughter helped make dinner last night.
With good intentions I packed up another bag of clothes to be passed on.
With great intentions my husband swept the kitchen floor last night.
The children are learning to think of their "stuff" as temporary perks of life, and when they have outgrown their clothes, read their books and played with their toys they are growing used to the idea that they can't hold on to them. It is time to let go and give them away to others, pass them on.
That in itself is a great victory, particularly for my daughter who was reluctant in the past to even part with the recycling!
It is a journey, not a state of perfection! It takes a shift in mindset before it shows up in reality.
So it is WITH good intentions that we are making progress as a family.
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