From Forest To Bonsai

This is the story of my personal journey out of the forest...towards the simplicity I crave symbolized by bonsai.

Melony Teague

Friday 6 July 2012

Start Here

As you may know, the catalyst to my journey to a simplified life was born out of frustration and discontent. Negative emotions they might be, but in this case with a positive effect. It is hard to believe that I could be discontent even though I had so much, but there you have it, I was discontent.
I knew that I was spending way too much time on things that did not matter. I am easily distracted, particularly if the thing that is distracting me is more fun and exciting that the thing I should be doing.

To be honest I had never really come across minimalism as a lifestyle. I had stumbled upon minimalism as an art form, but not really as a way of life. Now I wonder if I had been on another planet for the last 10 years? Oh no, wait, I was too busy trying to collect stuff.

I am not sure how I started reading "The Minimalists" blogs, ( perhaps through reading The Flinch by Julien Smith?) but I did and I loved their message. It struck a resonating chord with me that I just could not shake.

Once I realized I wanted to pursue a more minimalist lifestyle, how was I going to go about it?

I started reading.

I read:
Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus
Simplify by Joshua Becker
The Winter Road by Andy Frecka

Each of these books urged me on to take the first steps toward what I craved, a life without distraction.

Is my blog just going to be another minimalist blog? Not entirely...
This simplicity is a means to an end, to something greater. It is a pathway I must tread in order to  fulfill my role in making a difference and being relevant in my world.

Why? So that I can live the life I was created to live without compromise, without distraction.
Joshua and Ryan talk about "adding value" to other people's lives and that is what I want.

I usually tell other people's stories, but this time, here and now, it is time to tell my own. Perhaps you are traveling the same journey and need to know that you are not alone?

From Forest To Bonsai

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